Friday, July 24, 2009

A Healthy Heart!!

Yesterday a very close friend of mine and hubby's, had a major heart attack. It was shocking because she was just 35 and had two kids aged 2 and 6 months. Yesterday was one of those days where I just couldn't believe that something this bad could have happened and reminiscing on how this could be avoided..

I went across Google searching on why heart attack hits women and how we can avoid it. Frankly I have never heard of a heart attack in women of such a young age. My family has seen 2 major heart attack deaths and 1 disabling major attack on a close relative. Believe it or not, heart attack is the major killer across the world..DO NOT take this lightly.

I downloaded a Heart Health Handbook from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute website( and I am quoting a few passages from this book that I felt were very important:

One reason some women aren’t too concerned about heart disease is that they think it can be "cured" with surgery. This is a myth. Heart disease is a lifelong condition—once you get it,you’ll always have it. True, procedures such as bypass surgery and angioplasty can help blood and oxygen flow to the heart more easily. But the arteries remain damaged, which means you are more likely to have a heart attack.What’s more, the condition of your blood vessels will steadily worsen unless you make changes in your daily habits. Many women die of complications from heart disease or become permanently disabled. That’s why it is so vital to take action to prevent and control this disease

Tests That Can Help Protect Your Heart Health

1) Lipoprotein Profile
2) Blood Pressure
3) Fasting Plasma Glucose
4) Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist Circumference
5) Stresstest, an electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG)

The book says that it best to do the tests, once in 2 years..But you never know when a disaster can hit. Most companies have a tie up with hospitals for complete health checkup packages. Check with your HR if they have something in place and do an Annual checkup with your family. Listen to your body and your gut feeling.. Do not ignore any symptom that your body is giving you. Better to be safe than sorry. The doctor might think you are paranoid..So what?? Your family will be thankful to you for being paranoid.

Indian Women take a step back when it comes to their health...You have a family to take care of. Do NOT ignore your health. Find the time to be physically active.

Making Opportunities

Getting regular physical activity can be easy—especially if you take advantage of everyday opportunities to move around. For example:

■If you live in an apartment or your office is on the second or third floor, use the stairs—both up and down—instead of elevators. Start with one flight of stairs and gradually build up to more. That is equivalent to training on the elliptical trainer in a gym!!

■Park a few blocks away from the office or store and walk the rest ofthe way. If you take public transportation, get off a stop or two early and walk a few blocks.
Instead of depending on the man in the house to do the shopping, go out and do the shopping yourself. Get the grocery bags home yourself instead of making someone else deliver it for you. You will be unconciously doing some weight lifting exercises that way! Your family will be proud of you as well!

■Instead of eating that gulab jamun or that chat, take a brisk stroll around the neighborhood and have a fruit instead! Socialize with people! Talk to everyone (rich or poor, ugly or beautiful)...That is good for your heart! People will know you..When disaster hits, these people you socialized with, will be around to help you!!

■Do housework or garden work at a more vigorous pace.Get rid of that house maid and do the house work yourself!!I am pregnant now and I still do the house work. It flexes your muscles and burns that extra calories without pinching your pocket ;)!!

■Keep moving while you watch TV. Lift hand weights, do some gentle yoga stretches, or pedal an exercise bike.

■Spend less time watching TV and using the computer.

■Take a movement break in the middle of the day. Get up and stretch, walk around, and give your muscles and mind a chance to relax.

When a woman takes care of her health, she teaches her whole family to take care of their health.

Set a good example for other members:
  • Adults have a big influence on children’s and teens’ behavior—even though kids may not want to admit it! If you follow a healthy lifestyle, younger family members will be more likely to do the same. Let them see you eating nutritious snacks and enjoying outdoor activities. Invite them to join you.
  • Raise "kitchen kids." Show young children how to clean fruits and veggies and combine them into salads. When they are old enough, teach them to use the cooktop, oven,microwave, and toaster safely. Show teens how to make simple,healthy dishes. Children who have basic cooking skills appreciate food more and are more likely to try new dishes.
  • Get them moving. Encourage your kids or grandkids to get some exercise throughout the day and especially on weekends.Go on outings with them that involve activities such as hiking. Walk or jog with them to places close by. Use your backyard or local park for basketball,baseball, football, badminton, or volleyball.

Diet wise.

A special eating plan called "DASH" can help you lower your blood pressure. DASH stands for "Dietary Approachesto Stop Hypertension."

Eat healthy. Have fruits, vegetables, fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products, whole-grain products, fish, poultry,beans, seeds, and nuts. The DASH eating plan also contains less salt/sodium, sweets, added sugars, sugar containing beverages,fats, and red meats.

This heart healthy way of eating is lower in saturated fat, and cholesterol, and is rich in nutrients that are associated with lowering blood pressure—mainly potassium, magnesium, calcium, protein, and fiber. If you follow the DASH eating plan and also consume less sodium,you are likely to reduce your blood pressure even more. Sodium is a substance that affects blood pressure and is the main ingredient in salt.

Step up for yourself and take care of your body! If you fall sick, the whole family suffers!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Save up!

I keep wondering why we Indians have such rigid mentalities where we choose to sacrifice our desires and save up our hard earned money for our kids and yet do nothing to save something for the public or for the good of mankind...

I used to think that this is an issue with just my workplace until my hubby tells me that its a problem in his place as well. This is not a problem with an group or organization or any institution, the problem is with each one of us..We are all brought up to save up and be selfish and protective about our nuclear families and not bother a damn about anyone else around..I remember my own mom scolding me when I was a kid when I told her during my Summer vacation that I want to clean the garbage dump in front of our colony...

Mom: "Are you crazy?? That is what the government has appointed workers for." (Horrified look on her face)
Innocent me: "Then why dont they come and clean it mummy??" (All pissed off!!)
Mom: "Aaaa...Why are you so bothered about that? You mind your business and go and study or come and help me in the kitchen or help Daddy clean the garden"
Me: "But I want to do something good"
Mom: "Helping your mom and Dad is all you have to do..And Study well and become a doctor or an engineer"
Me: "I will study well and you know that..That's not the question"

Mom is horrified and finally decides to pass the ball into my Dad's court..She knows very well how we three girls are terrified of Dad!

Mom:"Ketto....." (Translated: Listen Daddy) kochinu aa road-ile poye waste vaari kalayanam ennu...Onnu vazhakku paranje....(This kid wants to clean the garbage on the road..Please scold her!)

Me: 'Damn..Okay fine..I am going to read my book'
Dad: Jinu,come here

Me....running away..."Daddy...I am going to read my book..."

Whew, that was my family picture...I can imagine millions of other kids experiencing the same Indian protective, yet callous, attitude.

I remember parents coming to my school and scolding my teachers for not teaching kids how to talk smartly and to be generous because "they spend most of their time here..They spend most of their productive time here and you need to teach them"...Isn't the same applicable after we grow up and start working??Forget about 8 hrs, we spend over 15 hours in office, then why is it that our companies dont take up the responsibilities to educate their employees on ways to behave in public?

We are going through times of recession and we change nothing in our lifestyle to save money for us or our country..At the most we personally cut down on eating out..Do you realise what all can be done to cut costs??

1) Ask your company to reduce the AC's. Most work places, have the AC's on at full strength through out the day..I understand if that is done in a Server Room or places that need lower temperatures for equipments to work properly. Rest of the times, AC's can be switched off at regular intervals to save electricity.

2) Wastage of Tissues. The modern IT company pampers us with free tissues, free coffee vending machines, free water, free phone facilities, free stationary, free print outs, free AC's...
Dont forget that this is all money..

Every document that you decide not to print, is saved money for a company..
Every tissue that you save, is money saved for you and the company... A tree that is not cut down somewhere....
Every time electricity consumption is reduced, is money saved for a better purpose(You never know, it might turn out to be our next month's salary)

If you see lights turned on unneccesarily, don't be ashamed to turn it off. I have felt ashamed many times but I have pushed myself to go forward and turn off that light. People have looked at me in surprise when I have done that..But I have felt a surge of pride when I explain 'Why waste electricity'!! ...I have felt good about it for the rest of the day.... Though no other Indian understands it!

The problem is that not many people even realise that a light is turned on unneccesarily..That is because they are not tuned to look out for something that can be turned off or saved.

We are responsible citizens. The country we live in doesn't matter anymore..We are facing a global crisis now..Save water, save electricity, save trees...Or else our kids will have nothing left and they will have to suffer..Let's not be selfish...Tune yourselves to be more sensitive..There is nothing to be ashamed about in that...Be proud that you think differently. You are contributing to a huge society when you do this...If educated people can't reach out and make a difference who else can?????

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Things taken for granted

We all take our lives for granted..Our beautiful bodies - fat or thin, Our eyes,Our sense of smell,our sense of touch,our ears,our brains,.... the simple fact that our bodies are driven by a very complicated machinery that we dont give a damn about. How granted we take our lives until we are deprived of them...

I just finished watching the movie 'At First Sight'. This movie is a true story inspired from the lives of Shirl and Barbara Jennings. I was overcome with emotions at the fact that any man could be so cheerful during his long years of blindness. Be cautious while his sight was restored and smile even as he hears the bad news that his vision is deteriorating again. The way he says 'the horizon is there even though you cant see it'....What an amazing testimony of human strength!!

The true hero is Shirl Jennings from Georgia. He has been blind since the age of 10. After 40 years of darkness,in 1991 he had his sight restored by two operations , becoming only one of a handful of people blind since childhood having their sight restored. He suffered from agnosia, an inability to process what he was seeing. It took him quite some time to learn to see at the age of 40. He could relate to things and identify them only through touch. He couldnt understand the concept of 3 dimensions, distance, height,objects and many of the little things we never think about!

Unfortunately, he virtually lost his sight when he contracted pnemonia in 1992.It returned to some degree as he recovered, but never near the acuity immediately following the operations. Jennings' illness left him disabled and he lost his cherished job as a masseur at the YMCA.
In 1996, despite his failing sight, Jennings began taking painting lessons. One of his paintings, an abstract work dominated by his favorite color, blue, is featured in "At First Sight.

Jennings has no regrets about gaining his sight for brief period, despite the upheaval in his life. "I appreciate all the sight I got now," he said, smiling. "I can see the world, instead of just imagining it."

His story was depicted in the 1999 film "At First Sight" starring Val Kilmer and Mira Sorvino. This great man died Oct. 26 in Atlanta of obstructive pulmonary disease at age 63.

Read for a full reporting by Lillian Lee Kim.

This post and story is an old one..But its never too late to experience the power of the human spirit and remind us that we have not yet discovered 10% of our strength!